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    Semana de 05 a 11 de Fevereiro (6ª semana) de 2012



    • ICNPAA 2012 – 9th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences

    • 10 a 14 de julho de 2012 , Vienna University of Technology, Vienna – Áustria
      Fonte: Prof. Jose Manoel Balthazar (UNESP)

      Dear Colleague,

      Please visit the web site http://www.icnpaa.com for the announcement of the ICNPAA 2012 – 9th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, to be held at the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, during July 10, 2012 – July 14, 2012.

      You are invited to submit the abstract of your talk no later than the 28th of February, 2012, at the link below: http://icnpaa.com/index.php/icnpaa/2012 /presenter/submit/1

      Further updates about the ICNPAA 2012 conference:

      1. The conference Proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics (www.aip.org). For more information, please access:http://icnpaa.com/index.php/icnpaa/2012/ pages/view/proceedings

      2. The conference registration will be open on the 10th of July, from 2 to 5 pm, at the Vienna University of Technology. Following the registration, from 7.30pm, there will be a Welcome Reception at a remarkable historic venue, the Vienna City Hall. You are kindly invited to attend.

      3. For more information about the social activities included in the ICNPAA 2012 conference program, please see: http://icnpaa.com/index.php/icnpaa/2012/ pages/view/information

      4. The list of hotels that offer special deals for the conference participants has been updated: http://icnpaa.com/index.php/icnpaa/2012/ schedConf/accommodation

      5. The journal associated to the ICNPAA conference series is Mathematics in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences (MESA). The journal is currently indexed in Zentralblatt MATH, EBSCO, MATH reviews,SWETS, Summon and Google Scholar, and is under evaluation for inclusion in the Thomson Reuters (ISI) and Scopus databases. Paper submissions are welcome: http://nonlinearstudies.com/index.php/mesa

      Looking forward to meeting you in Vienna,

      J M Balthazar
      International committe