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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 097/06 – IPDO 2007

    Fonte: Prof. Helcio R. B. Orlande (COPPE/UFRJ)

    International Symposium on INVERSE PROBLEMS, DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION (IPDO-2007)
    Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A., April 16-18, 2007.

    IPDO Symposium’s main objectives are to bring the three communities of researchers (inverse problems experts, design theory experts, and optimization experts) together and provide a common forum for presenting different applications, problems, and solution strategy concepts. These three areas of research to be covered by the IPDO Symposium have a number of things in common. For example, many methodologies for solving inverse problems employ optimization algorithms. But, there are no optimization algorithms that employ methods of inverse design that could potentially substantially reduce the number of time-consuming analysis required by the typical evolutionary optimization algorithms. Similarly, design theory is not well known in the optimization community where formulation of the appropriate multiple objectives and system-of-systems design formulations are often performed using intuition and personal experience. The IPDO Symposium thus offers a unique international forum that is expected to provide an excellent basis for cross-fertilization of ideas and creation of new synergistic approaches and methodologies that will combine the three fields of research so that more general, robust, accurate and computationally economical design methods are created for multi-disciplinary applications.


    G.S. Dulikravich (chair), H.R.B. Orlande (co-chair), M. Tanaka (co-chair), M.J. Colaço (secretary)


    AFOSR ( United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research)
    ARO ( United States Army Research Office)
    T&F (Taylor & Francis Publishers)
    FIU ( Florida International University)
    UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

    Areas of interest:

    The IPDO-2007 Symposium will emphasize a broad range of deterministic, statistical, analytical, computational and experimental approaches, which can be applied to the solution of inverse, design and multi-disciplinary optimization problems. Contributions dealing with theoretical concepts and practical applications are encouraged, such as in petrochemistry, aeronautics, astronautics, bio-medicine, transport and sensing of pollutants, materials design and processing, remote sensing, non-destructive evaluation, material property determination, acceleration of large scale optimization, design theory, etc.


    1 October, 2006 proposals for organizing technical sessions (minimum six papers per session)
    1 November, 2006 deadline for submission of two-page abstracts in .pdf format
    1 December, 2006 informing authors about acceptability of abstracts
    1 February, 2007 deadline for submission of full eight-page papers
    1 March, 2007 deadline for early registration

    Abstracts and papers:

    Please submit two-page abstracts (including preliminary results, basic figures, formulas, and references) in .pdf format to the following e-mail addresses: IPDO2007@GMAIL.COM, IPDO2007@YAHOO.COM (The templates can be found at the symposium website).

    All accepted abstracts will be in a Book of Abstracts provided to all participants during IPDO-2007. Final papers passing a three-person review process will be provided electronically to all those that register by April 1, 2007 and will be published in Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering journal free of charge.

    IPDO-2007 Web Page: http://ipdo.freeshell.org/ipdo2007

    For information contact: George S. Dulikravich; tel. +1 (305) 348-7016; E-mail: dulikrav@fiu.edu