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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 103/06 – ICDERS 2007

    Fonte: Prof. Prof. Albino J.K. Leiroz (DEM/UFRJ)

    The International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems is the premier international forum for the presentation of scientific contributions in the fields of explosions and unsteady combustion.

    The ICDERS meeting has been held every two years since its founding in 1967. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of research primarily concerned with explosions and unsteady combustion events with strong coupling between reaction and fluid mechanics. It is held on alternate years from the International Combustion Symposium and is recognized by the Combustion Institute as a Specialist Meeting on the fluid dynamics of combustion.

    Submissions are encouraged on the following topics:

    • Detonation structure in gases and multi-phase systems
    • Initiation, propagation and failure of detonations
    • Transition from deflagration to detonation
    • Generation and coupling of shock waves with rapid combustion
    • High-speed flames – confined and unconfined
    • Propulsion applications of detonations and high-speed flames
    • Material processing applications of detonations
    • Flame propagation in internal combustion engines
    • Combustion in fuel clouds and fireballs
    • Multiphase dynamically reactive systems
    • Turbulence in compressible reacting flows
    • High speed diagnostics for reactive systems
    • Accidental explosions and mitigation strategies
    • Dynamics of ignition in gases
    • Ignition and flame spread over liquid layers
    • Dynamics of large scale fires
    • Chemical reaction kinetics and reaction dynamics
    • Flame instabilities and quenching
    • Numerical analysis of dynamics of reactive systems
    • Nonlinear analysis of dynamical reactive systems

    Calendar of Events

    • Paper Submission : December 15, 2006
    • Notification : March 31, 2007
    • Early Registration : May 7 – June 8, 2007

    Call for Papers

    Author Instructions and Abstract Submission will be on-line at: http://www.icders2007-poitiers.org

    Contact and Call for Papers

    ICDERS 2007
    Laboratoire de Combustion et de Détonique
    UPR 9028 CNRS
    ENSMA – BP 40109
    1, rue Clément Ader
    86961 Futuroscope-Chasseneuil, FRANCE

    Phone :
    +33 5 49 49 82 90 or
    +33 5 49 49 81 75 or
    +33 5 49 49 81 78

    Fax :
    +33 5 49 49 81 76

    Web : http://www.icders2007-poitiers.org E-mail : icders@lcd.ensma.fr