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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 108/06 – Seminario “Composite Materials and Smart Structures”

    Fonte: Marcelo A. Savi (UFRJ)

    Acontecerá no dia 14/11/2006, às 14 horas, na COPPE/UFRJ Sala G-205 o Seminario “Composite Materials and Smart Structures” do Prof. Alexander L. Kalamkarov (Dalhousie University, Canada), cujo resumo segue abaixo:

    Composite Materials and Smart Structures

    Alexander L. Kalamkarov
    Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Dalhousie University
    Halifax, Nova Scotia


    The author’s results in modeling of composite materials and smart structures are presented. The governing equations for a smart composite structure with sensors and actuators are derived, and the corresponding optimization problems are formulated and illustrated by an example. Next, the micromechanical analysis of smart composite structures based on the application of the asymptotic homogenization method is presented. The derived models enable calculation of both effective and local properties of composite materials and smart structures. It is shown that the original problem for the highly non-homogeneous smart composite structure reduces to a system of simpler types of so-called unit cells problem. The effective coefficients and ultimately the stress and strain fields are determined from these unit cell problems. Closed-form solutions are obtained for the effective elastic and actuation properties of different types of smart composite reinforced shells and plates. The actuation coefficients characterize the intrinsic transducer nature of active smart materials that can be used to induce strains and stresses in a coordinated fashion. The laminated, wafer, honeycomb sandwich shells and plates, as well as the fiber-reinforced angle-ply shells are considered. The micromechanical models are further applied to the analysis of mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. This is followed by the author’s experimental results in manufacturing, testing and application of pultruded smart composite reinforcements with the embedded fiber optic sensors.

    Dr. Alex Kalamkarov is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. He was awarded his Ph.D. degree from the Moscow Lomonosov State University in 1979 and Doctor of Sciences degree from the Academy of Science of the USSR in 1990. His academic career strongs more than 28 years in research and university teaching. His research in the areas of mechanics of solids, composite material and smart structures is internationally recognized. He has made a significant contribution to the analysis, design and optimization of composite materials and smart structures, manufacturing, evaluation and application of smart composite reinforcements. Prof. Kalamkarov has authored two monographs and more than 200 research papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings and also holds two US patents. He is a Fellow of the ASME and CSME. He serves as a Vice-President of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) and is a member of a number of prestigious International Editorial and Advisory boards in the area of composite materials and smart structures.