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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 156/07 – World Congress on Computational Mechanics and IACM-ECCOMAS08

    Fonte: Prof. Marcelo José Colaço (IME)

    World Congress on Computational Mechanics and IACM-ECCOMAS08
    Venice, Italy, June 30 – July 5, 2008


    for the following four mini-symposia:





    One-page abstracts must be submitted via the website at:

    December 15, 2007: Deadline for submitting a one page abstract.
    January 31, 2008: Acceptance and instructions for writing the final one page abstract.
    February 28, 2008: Deadline for submitting the final abstract and early payment


    for minisymposium no. 42 entitled
    Computational Electro-Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics (EMHD)
    http://www.iacm-eccomascongress2008.org/admin/files/fileabstract/a42.pdf World Congress on Computational Mechanics and IACM-ECCOMAS08 Venice, Italy, June 30 – July 5, 2008

    Electro-Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics (EMHD) addresses all phenomena related to the interaction of electric and magnetic fields with electrically conducting or magnetic fluids. Electric and magnetic flow control, for example, is a challenging area of mathematical and engineering research with many applications such as the reduction of drag, flow stabilization in order to avoid transition to turbulence, tailored stirring of liquids, pumping using travelling EM waves, and many others. The application of electric and magnetic fields in branches such as crystal growth, solidification, metal casting, welding, fabrication of nanofibers, fabrication of specialty composites and functionally graded materials, or ferrofluids is recently of growing interest. Fully coupled EMHD systems, that is, situations where the flow-field is influenced by the electric and magnetic fields and where these fields are in turn influenced by the flow-field, are challenging research subjects with applications in geo- and astrophysics (dynamo, magneto-rotational-instability, etc.). Numerical simulations of complex processes (growth of single crystals, metal casting processes, aluminium electrolysis, etc.) require sophisticated tools for coupled fluid flow – heat/mass transfer – electromagnetic field systems. In summary, computational EMHD is a vital subject of recent research with a long list of interdisciplinary applications and scientific problems.

    Under the title of “Computational Electro-Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics (EMFD)” the topic successfully participated as minisymposia at WCCM VI and WCCM VII. Recently, EMHD received a major funding, e.g., in Germany and China. On European scale the recent COST-Action P17 might be mentioned as a clear indicator that EMHD activities are going to be intensified in several European countries. A dedicated minisymposium on “Computational EMHD” will ideally fit into the development of the field both on European as well as international level.


    for minisymposium no. 45 entitled
    Metamodels for High Dimensionality Response Surfaces in Multiobjective Optimization
    http://www.iacm-eccomascongress2008.org/admin/files/fileabstract/a45.pdf World Congress on Computational Mechanics and IACM-ECCOMAS08
    Venice, Italy, June 30 – July 5, 2008

    When performing large scale optimizations involving many simultaneous and often conflicting objectives, hundreds and even thousands of design variables, and dozens of equality and inequality constraints, and where each objective function evaluation is very costly, the only practical method of reducing the overall computing effort is to use metamodels or lower fidelity models. The most popular such method is to perform analytical fits of the available high fidelity data thus creating multidimensional response surfaces. Current methods for the creation of the response surfaces are based on algorithms such as linear regression, radial basis functions, wavelet based neural networks, self-organizing maps, graph theory, Kriging, etc. All of these methods suffer from rapidly decreasing accuracy and rapidly increasing computing time as the number of design variables increases. Furthermore, most of the currently used methods are not capable of dealing with irregularities and noise of the realistic design space topologies which are unknown a priori.

    Since optimization is becoming widely accepted in industry when performing multidisciplinary design involving simultaneously disciplines such as fluid mechanics, elasticity, heat transfer, electromagnetism, chemistry, etc., there is a recognized and growing need for the development of more reliable, accurate and computationally efficient methods for the automatic construction of multidimensional response surfaces for hundreds and even thousands of noisy design variables.

    The proposed minisymposium should bring together international experts on this subject and serve as a perfect event for comparing the capabilities and drawbacks of conceptually different algorithms and their hybrid combinations for fitting large dimensionality response surfaces, thus advancing the fields of large scale multi-objective optimization and design.

    Minisymposium Organizers:

    Principal Organizer:
    Prof. George S. Dulikravich
    Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
    Florida International University, Miami, U.S.A.

    Prof. Marcelo J. Colaco
    Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (DE/4)
    Military Institute of Engineering (IME), Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL


    for minisymposium no. 76 entitled

    William Annicchiarico, IMME, Universidad Central de Venezuela
    George S. Dulikravich- MME, Florida International University, Miami, USA

    Multidisciplinary optimization problems represent a complex task which requires outstanding model environments, complex analytical solvers and powerful optimization techniques, which combined in a reliable way lead to an effective solution of the problem. From the optimization point of view, Evolutionary Algorithms methodologies have shown its evident benefits in simple and multimodal optimization problems due to their robustness, easy applicability and the fact that they do not need specialized information such as gradient information or smoothness of objective functions.

    The aims of this mini-symposium is to provide a forum to join scientists, academicians and practical design engineers in order to explore, discuss and present recent developments in analysis and evolutionary optimization techniques with potential applications to multidisciplinary optimization problems in different engineering disciplines and in science

    In this sense, the proposed minisymposium on application of evolutionary optimization techniques in multidisciplinary problems thus offers a unique international forum that should provide an excellent basis for cross-fertilization of ideas and creation of new synergistic approaches and methodologies that will combine advances in computational methods to model and analyze complex problems with powerful optimization techniques based on evolutionary principles in order to create more general, robust, accurate and computationally economical design methods for multidisciplinary applications.

    The areas of interests include but are not limited to:

    Robust Design, Reliability-Based Design Optimization, Optimization Methods, Sizing and Shape Design, Topology Optimization, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Design Sensitivity Analysis, Materials Processing Optimization, Hybrid Optimization Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms (Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Strategies and so on) Managing the Design Process, Optimization with High Performance Computing, Benchmarking, Testing, and Classification of Optimization Software


    for minisymposium no. 167 entitled
    george S. DULIKRAVICH *, Giulio maier §, Helcio R. B. ORLANDEª
    * Florida International University, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 10555 West Flagler St., EC 3474, Miami, Florida 33174
    dulikrav@fiu.edu, www.eng.fiu.edu/mme/, http://maidroc.fiu.edu

    Technical University (Politecnico) of Milan,
    Department of Structural Engineering
    P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
    giulio.maier@polimi.it, http://www.stru.polimi.it

    Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ Department of Mechanical Engineering, POLI/COPPE
    Cid. Universitaria, Cx. Postal: 68503 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972 Brasil

    Motivation and purposes.

    Methods for the parameter identification through inverse analysis (namely by minimization of the discrepancy between measured and computed quantities) are at present spreading in several engineering and technological fields. In fact, the synergistic integration of computational and experimental mechanics, which represents the peculiar feature of inverse analysis, turns out to be fruitful, and sometimes necessary, in a number of practical situations for a variety of reasons, namely: the availability of effective ad hoc mathematical theories and tools; the growing realism and complexity of material models (with more and more parameters not directly measurable by standard tests); the deterioration of many socially important existing structures and the need for their reliable diagnostic analysis before retrofitting provisions.

    The objective of this Minisymposium is to provide an international forum for presentations and discussion of research results concerning practical methods centered on inverse analysis, for mechanical characterization of materials through calibration of their constitutive models and for diagnostic analysis of existing possibly deteriorated structures, with reference to representative classes of engineering and industrial situations.

    Items to be dealt with.

    Fundamentals: mathematical procedures for constrained minimization of possibly nonconvex and nonsmooth functions; numerical solution methods and algorithms (direct search; first and second order minimization algorithms; mathematical programming); soft computing procedures (genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks); identification methods with “batch” use of experimental data; sequential methods such as Kalman filter and its extensions; statistical processing of measurement noise and modelling errors; sensitivity analyses of measurable quantities with respect to the parameters to identify; some representative and partly innovative experimental techniques related to parameter identification (indentation, small-punch, atomic force microscope, laser profilometers, radar and laser monitoring, etc.).

    Calibration of material models on the basis of experimental tests: elasto-plasticity of metals; inelastic and fracture behaviours of quasi-brittle materials (concrete, ceramics); visco-elasto-plasticity of polymers; interface models for joints; constitutive modelling of heterogeneous materials (composites and laminates); assessment of local constitutive parameters through tests at the macroscale in average variables: parameter estimation by indentation tests associated to imprint mapping and by “small punch” tests. Meaningful applications to engineering problems concerning structural components in various industries and in microtechnologies. Specifically, diagnostic analysis of structures based on in situ monitoring and nondestructive tests: main causes of structural damages (deterioration phenomena such as aggregate-alcali-reaction in concrete; extreme loadings); parameters representative of structural damages; typical equipment for in situ tests and monitoring of structures and industrial components; sensitivity analysis; inverse analyses to diagnostic purposes; representative applications to concrete dams, bridges, monumental structures and industrial components.