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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM Nº 152/08 – CSC2009 e CC2009

    Fonte: Prof. Marcelo José Colaço (IME)

    The First International Conferenceon Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
    The Twelfth International Conferenceon Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing

    Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
    1-4 September 2009

    You are invited to submit a 1000 words abstract for presentation in a special session on:

    Methods for Generating Response Surfaces
    organised by

    Prof. George S. Dulikravich, Florida International University, USA (dulikrav@fiu.edu) and
    Prof. Marcelo J. Colaco, Military Institute of Engineering, Brazil (colaco@ime.eb.br)

    Submission of Abstracts

    Abstracts (up to 1,000 words) of proposed papers should be submitted as soon as possible electronically to one of the coorganizers of this session not later than November 15, 2008. The conference has a strict “No Paper – No Podium” rule (i.e. conference presentations can only be made if they have a corresponding accepted paper in the proceedings). Only TWO contributed papers will be allowed for each conference participant. If you wish to submit more than two papers, you must register a co-author.

    Abstract submission 15 November 2008
    Full paper deadline as advised by the editor in your abstract acceptance email
    Last day for author registrations 1 July 2009
    Programme is released 1 September 2009
    The conference 1-4 September 2009

    As with past conferences we propose to produce conference proceedings for the first day of the conference. After the conference, we shall undertake an extended review of revised and extended contributed papers for possible publication in special issues of the journals (published by Elsevier Science): Computers & Structures and Advances in Engineering Software. Details of these journals can be found on the Elsevier website.

      Registration form received and fees paid
      before 1/5 2009 1/5-1/7 2009 after 1/7 2009
    student 375 UK Pounds 425 UK Pounds All students must register and pay the conference fee before 1/7
    author (non-student) 400 UK Pounds 450 UK Pounds All authors must register and pay the conference fee before 1/7
    non-author 450 UK Pounds 500 UK Pounds 575 UK Pounds
    special package 650 UK Pounds 750 UK Pounds not available after 1/7

    The conference registration fees include: attendance to sessions of both CC2009 and CSC2009
    the full Civil-Comp Press / Saxe-Coburg Publications Conference Proceedings Package
    welcome drinks reception on 1/9
    morning coffee, afternoon tea on 2/9, 3/9 and 4/9
    buffet lunches on 2/9, 3/9 and 4/9


    George S. Dulikravich, Ph.D., FASME, FAAM
    Professor and Chairman
    Department of Mechanical and Materials Eng.
    Florida International University
    10555 West Flagler St., EC 3474
    Miami, Florida 33174
    +1 (305) 348-7016 phone
    +1 (305) 348-6007 FAX
    http://maidroc.fiu.edu/index_arquivos/ resume/GeorgeSDulikravich.pdf
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