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  • Informe de Eventos - COBEM 2025


    The 28th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering - COBEM 2025, will take place from November 9 to 14, 2025, in Curitiba, at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). The theme of the event is “Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Tomorrow“ and this edition aims to build on the legacy of previous congresses, providing a unique space for sharing knowledge, fostering innovation, and encouraging collaboration in mechanical engineering.

    One of the highlights of COBEM 2025 is the International Symposium ICONNE, focused on nonlinear and chaotic phenomena. This partnership will elevate the visibility of engineering research in complex systems and create an environment for rich interdisciplinary dialogue.

    COBEM 2025 will also feature the Exhibition of the Industrial Park of Paraná, offering participants the chance to experience the latest innovations from the local industry. This is a great opportunity for bridging the gap between academia and industry, facilitating technological transfer, networking, and the creation of new partnerships.

    The congress will have a diverse scientific program, including plenary sessions, panel discussions, technical presentations, poster sessions, mini-courses, and special events such as the Scientific Communication Contest and the Pitch Day for startups. These activities are designed to inspire collaboration, spark innovative solutions, and showcase groundbreaking research in mechanical engineering.

    Click here to access the official website.