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    Semana de 13 à 19 de Dezembro de 2024



    ICEdyn 2025

    Source: Prof. Rafael Teloli (Institut FEMTO-ST)



    Click here for more information.


    Deadline for submissions: 15/12


    ICSID 2025 - 8th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability

    Source: Prof. Claudio Ruggieri (USP)


    International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability (ICSID 2025), to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from September 16 – 19, 2025


    Summer School on Fatigue and Fracture Modelling and Analysis to be organized prior to the ICSID 2025 Conference, from September 15 – 16, 2025.


    Click here for information.

    The ICSID 2025 Conference will be organized in a “Hybrid Mode”, i.e., a combination of on-site and online presentation. The Hybrid event will enable both, in-person attendees and virtual attendees, participation in ICSID 2025. Virtual participants will be able to attend the Conference online via the Zoom platform.


    Abstract submission: May 1, 2025

    Notification on abstract: within two weeks after receipt of abstract

    Early registration: June 1, 2025

    Submission of full paper (optional): October 30, 2025

    Please note that ICSID 2025 is endorsed by the European Structural Integrity Society, ESIS.

    Full papers will be published in the ICSID 2025 Conference proceedings in Procedia Structural Integrity, PSI:


    Authors of selected Full papers presented at ICSID 2025 will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a Special Issue of the Engineering Failure Analysis.