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    Semana de 29 de Novembro à 05 de Dezembro de 2024

    Encontro entre a Coordenação da Área das Engenharias III e os Coordenadores de PPGs – Ficha de Avaliaçã o do quadriênio 2021-2024


    Encontro entre a Coordenação da Área das Engenharias III e os Coordenadores de PPGs – Ficha de Avaliação do quadriênio 2021-2024


    Hoje, dia 29/11/2024, realizamos o encontro entre os coordenadores de PPGs e a Coordenação da Área de Engenharias III, no formato híbrido, onde apresentaram a Ficha de Avaliação do quadriênio 2021-2024. Contamos com a presença de Diretores da ABCM, ABEPRO e ANPEPRO, além de alguns dos coordenadores de PPG presencialmente, e mais de 180 coordenadores remotamente.


    A ficha de avaliação foi apresentada pelo Prof. Gherhardt Ribatski (EESC/USP), Coordenador das Engenharias III, e os Coordenadores adjuntos Danielle Costa Morais (UFPE) e Leandro Alcoforado Sphaier (UFF). O encontro foi realizado na sede da ABCM, situada na Praça Tiradentes, 10/9º andar, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro.


    Clique aqui para acessar a gravação pelo Youtube.



    ERCOFTAC Spring and Autumn Festival 2025 - Dates to Save

    Source: Prof. Oscar Mauricio Hernandez Rodriguez (EESC/USP)


    Please note the dates and locations of the Spring and Autumn Festival 2025 are announced:


    • S​pring Festival 2025 - Thursday and Friday: 22nd - 23rd May 2025; Stockholm, Sweden hosted by PC Nordic

    ERCOFTAC - ERCOFTAC Spring Festival 2025, Stockholm, Sweden


    • A​utumn Festival 2025 - Thursday and Friday: 9th - 10th October 2025; Darmstadt, Germany hosted by PC Germany

    ERCOFTAC - ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival and 20th Da Vinci Competition 2025, Darmstadt, Germany


    All ERCOFTAC members are very welcome to attend the events. Also all ERCOFTAC administrative meetings are open to all members, please attend them to share any ideas and concepts regarding ERCOFTAC association.  


    We look forward to meeting you in 2025.




    THMT-25 2nd Announcement and Call for Papers

    Source: Profa. Elaine Maria Cardoso (UNESP)


    The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer is pleased to announce THMT-25, the 11th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, which will take place in Tokyo, Japan, from July 21 to July 25, 2025.

    Detailed information is available by clicking here.

    Please note that we have extended the submission deadline by one month. The new submission due date is December 31, 2024.


    Click here for more information.



    Last Call for Abstracts: IRF2025 - 8th International Conference INTEGRITY-RELIABILITY-FAILURE

    Source: Prof. Claudio Ruggieri (USP)


    This is the Last Call for IRF2025 - 8th International Conference INTEGRITY-RELIABILITY-FAILURE (applications in engineering, materials, manufacturing and biomechanics), to be held in the beautiful city of Porto/Portugal, from 15 to18 July 2025.

    IRF2025 is part of a series of conferences started in 1999 in Porto, which are wholly devoted to advances of mechanics, materials, structural integrity and design in engineering, manufacturing and biomechanics. Contributions in the fields of Nanotechnologies, Nanomaterials, Biomechanics and Experimental and Computational Mechanics applied to mechanical, aeronautical, space, civil, automotive, biomedical, environmental, and nuclear engineering will be welcome.

    Full information about the conference can be found from the main website.


    Abstracts of two pages will be accepted until 24 January 2025. Facilities for online submission of Abstracts and Registration are available from the website above. Should you also be interested in running a Symposium/Special Session within the IRF2025 conference, please make a proposal according to the instructions in the conference website.

    Conference Proceedings (including full papers or extended abstracts) will be published online with DOI numbers after the conference and will be submitted for indexation to SCOPUS database.


    Concursos e Processos Seletivos


    Bolsa de Pós-Doutorado USP

    Fonte: Prof. Claudio Ruggieri (USP)



    Pós-Doutorado em Mecânica da Fratura Computacional e Probabilística



    Clique aqui para mais informações.




    Fonte: Prof. Marcelo Souza de Castro (UNICAMP)



    Clique aqui para mais informações.



    Opportunity for two PhD studentships at Edinburgh Napier University

    Source: Profa. Elaine Maria Cardoso (UNESP)


    Opportunity for two PhD studentships at Edinburgh Napier University / School of Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment to work on the following research projects:

    Photo-thermal composite Phase Change Materials for Photovoltaic and Thermal Hybrid Applications


    Development of Shape-stabilised PCMs from Agricultural Waste for Clean Energy Applications


    Application process:

    Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the supervisor, Dr Carolina Costa Pereira (c.costapereira@napier.ac.uk) to discuss the content of the project and the fit with their qualifications and skills before preparing an application.




    Prof. Renato M. Cotta incluído no MAE Alumni Hall of Fame da NCSU

    Fonte: Prof. Helcio Orlande (COPPE/UFRJ)



    Prof. Renato M. Cotta foi incluído no  Alumni Hall of Fame, do Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering Department, da North Carolina State University, onde obteve seu doutorado.



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