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    Semana de 11 à 17 de Outubro de 2024




    JEM 2025 – Call for Papers


    The Extended abstracts submission for the 8th Multiphase Flows Journey - JEM 2025 is open! This edition is coming back to the place where JEM first happened and will be held in the São Carlos School of Engineering (EESC) at the University of São Paulo(USP) in São Carlos-SP.


    The general expectation of the organizing committee is to act in the education of undergraduate and graduate students that are interested in multiphase flows through the first three days of lectures and hands-on workshops with specialists in this field and to promote the discussion on state-of-the-art advances in multiphase flows through the presentation of high-quality research submitted to this event by the multiphase flow community and the invaluable talks by our invited keynotes.

    Click here for more information.

    We are looking forward to welcome you in person in São Carlos – SP!

    Follow JEM 2025 on social media:





    Encontro no formato híbrido entre a Coordenação da Área das Engenharias III e os Coordenadores de PPGs

    Fonte: Prof. Gherhardt Ribatski - Coordenador da Área das Engenharias III – CAPES



    No dia 29/11/2024 entre 8:00 e 12:00 da manhã encontra-se programado um encontro no modo híbrido entre os coordenadores de PPGs e a Coordenação da Área de Engenharias III. O encontro tem como objetivos: (i) Apresentação detalhada da Ficha de Avaliação do quadriênio 2021-2024 pela Coordenação da Área de Engenharias III-CAPES; e (ii) esclarecimento de dúvidas dos coordenadores quanto às informações e os procedimentos de avaliação. 


    O evento tem como público alvo coordenadores e vice-coordenadores de programas e está programado para ocorrer na sede da ABCM, situada  na Praça Tiradentes, 10/9º andar – Centro – 20060-070 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ. O número de participantes está limitado em 200, sendo 10 deles no modo presencial. 


    Clique aqui para acessar o formulário de inscrição.



    O link para participação remota será compartilhado posteriormente. O evento conta com o apoio das associações ABCM, ABEPRO e ANPEPRO.


    A Coordenação de Área espera contar com a participação de representantes de todos os programas.


    16th International Conference on Thermal Engineering - ICTEA

    Source: Prof. Elaine Maria Cardoso (UNESP)

    The 16th International Conference on Thermal Engineering (ICTEA) will be held this year in Bucharest, Romania. The conference will cover a significant discipline related to energy, and you can access the conference website by clicking here. The meeting will be held in collaboration with Politehnica University of Bucharest, Ovidius University of Constanta in Romania, and Toronto Metropolitan University in Canada. The conference date is June 18 - 20, 2025. Please mark it in your calendar; the extended abstract submission is open.



    2nd Open-source Scientific Computing in Structural Dynamics Conference & Summer School - OpenSD2025

    Source: Prof. Daniel Alves Castello (UFRJ)




    When: June 16th-19th, 2025

    Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Target audience: researchers or/and PhD students which are active-in or are approaching open-source scientific computing in structural dynamics! (Students can get 3ECTS for completing the Summer school.)


    We are now accepting abstracts and summer school applications (up to 20 participants per track will be accepted).


    Click here for more information.



    NODYCON 2025: Where Innovations in Nonlinear Dynamics Converge
    Source: Prof. Americo Cunha Jr. (UERJ)



    We are thrilled to invite you to join us at the 4th International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2025), from June 22 to 25, 2025, hosted by the beautiful Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, USA. Additionally, for those who cannot join us in person, we are excited to offer a virtual extensions on June 26-27, 2025.


    Why Choose NODYCON 2025?

    • Publication Opportunities. Your full-length papers, if presented, will be published by Springer Nature in the journal Nonlinear Dynamics or Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics within our Conference Proceedings series, indexed by databases as Web of Science, Scopus, and Dimensions. Submit your one-page extended abstract online today (deadline: November 8). Feedback will be provided within 2-3 business days. Upon abstracts acceptance, you'll be able to submit your full-length papers.
    • Recognition and Awards. Remarkable research and outstanding career contributions will be recognized with the Springer Ali H. Nayfeh Awards for students and postdocs, and with the Ali H. Nayfeh Senior Award and NODYS Early Career Award for senior and early career individuals.
    • Diverse and Rich Content. Explore a plethora of topics ranging from data-driven approaches to experiments, control and ecosystem dynamics. Discover the full spectrum of themes here.
    • Engaging Social Program. Your registration fee includes a unique 4-hour Boat Tour with the Banquet and Award Ceremony on the Hudson River offering memorable views of the NYC skyline.


    This is your opportunity to present your latest research in an environment where your ideas can truly resonate through direct interactions with the leading experts in the field. We are also excited to soon unveil a new feature for recorded talks, enhancing your conference experience and overall media exposure.


    Key Dates to Remember:

    • Abstract Submission: November 8, 2024.
    • Abstracts Acceptance Notification: December 6, 2024.
    • Early Bird Registration: Closes on January 31, 2025.
    • Paper Acceptance Notification: March 14, 2025.
    • Final Registration: May 16, 2025.



    Click here for more information.