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  • Informe Especial ABCM - Increase of impact metrics of the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (JBSMSE).




















    We are pleased to share the sustained increase of impact metrics of the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (JBSMSE).


    • Scopus CiteScore 2021: 3.6 (12.5% up from 3.2 in 2020)
    • Clarivate JCR Impact Factor 2021: 2.361 (6.4% up from 2.220 in 2020)
    • Normalized Eigenfactor 2021: 1.415 (9.5% up from 1.292 in 2020)


    Many thanks to our team of Associate Editors, @ABCM and @Springer Nature staff for their invaluable services.


    Many thanks also to the authors from around the world who have chosen our journal to publish their research, those who have served as reviewers and those who have cited the papers published in JBSMSE in their publications.


    #ABCM #springernature #springerengineering #JBSMSE #mechanicalengineering #mechanics


    The Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering publishes manuscripts on research, development and design related to science and technology in Mechanical Engineering. It is an interdisciplinary journal with interfaces to other branches of Engineering, such as Aerospace, Automotive and Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, as well as with Physics and Applied Mathematics. The Journal accepts manuscripts in four different formats: Full Length Articles, Review Articles, Book Reviews and Letters to the Editor.


    Click here to access the journal. 



    Marcelo A. Trindade

    Jader Barbosa

    Editors-in-Chief of JBSMSE