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    Semana de 25 a 30 de Março de 2022





















    Continuam abertas as inscrições para o Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica da ABCM!

    Datas Importantes:

    Período de Inscrição: até 31/03/2022

    Divulgação do Resultado Provisório (data prevista): 15/04/2022

    Período de pedidos de reconsideração: 18 e 19/04/2022

    Publicação do resultado final após recursos: 22/04/2022

    Entrega do Termo de Compromisso: 30/04/2022

    Início das bolsas: 01/05/2022

    Término das bolsas: 30/04/2023



    Clique aqui para acessar o edital.

















    Mecsol 2022 Webinar Series presents the last webinar of the series

    Programmable structures: encoding functionality in design

    Prof. Jovana Jovanova, TU Delft

    Structures that respond in desired ways once subject to external stimuli are called programmable structures. Programmability can be achieved with patterning unit cells resulting in uniquely designed metastructures, with integrations of smart materials or both. In my group we work on design of passive and active metastructures with tailorable mechanical properties, smart granular materials for soft robotics applications and bio-inspired lattice structures for drag reduction. We use multi-physics modelling approaches to capture the interfaces between the environmental stimuli and the structure response. We develop analytical and numerical models to introduce nonlinear behaviour (geometrical and material nonlinearities) to be able to quickly generate structure responses. Then we apply design optimization to maximize the structure functionality. We look into scalability of programmable structures and the effects of it in a large-scale domain, from manufacturing over design implications to real-scale implementation. In this talk I would show some examples of large scale metamaterial interface design for vibration attenuation in the offshore renewable energy sector; design for additive manufacturing of Nitinol lattice structures with tailored mechanical properties for energy absorption; design of piezoelectric metamaterials with exotic properties using machine learning; and smart grasper design with granular materials.

    Chaired by Prof. Josué Labaki – Unicamp

    Friday, April 8, at 2pm (GMT-3)


    Click here to register for free.




    Postdoctoral Fellowships in Fluid Dynamics - Call for Expressions of Interest

    Source: Prof. Oscar M. H. Rodriguez (EESC-USP)



    The UK funding council (EPSRC) has just launched a call for a cohort of 8 to 10 three-year Postdoctoral Fellowships in Fluid Dynamics.


    Click here for more information.


    The fellows will be hosted by UK institutions and the call is open to applicants worldwide. The UK Fluids Network has set up a website to help applicants find like-minded researchers within the UK as they write their proposals.


    The timeline is:

    • the call for Expressions of Interest will close on 3rd May 2022;

    • full proposals will be invited in early June 2022;

    • the call for Full Proposals will close on 28th July 2022;

    • interviews will take place between September and November 2022;

    • final decisions will be announced in December 2022;

    • fellows will start their fellowships between January and June 2023.


    The UK Fluids Network will run 1-hour webinars about the NFFDy Fellowships at the times below:


    Tuesday 29th March 2022, 13:00 British Summer Time (12:00 GMT)


    Meeting ID: 867 2199 7590

    Passcode: 549255


    Wednesday 13th April 2022, 13:00 British Summer Time (12:00 GMT)


    Meeting ID: 815 8535 1204

    Passcode: 838771


    In the meantime, please see the NFFDy Hub for FAQs or email info@fluids.ac.uk with any questions.



    Oportunidade bolsa DTI-A - área de Microfluídica

    Fonte: UFRJ


    O Laboratorio de Micromanufatura - LMI/IPT, juntamente com a COPPE/UFRJ, está com uma oportunidade para bolsa de pesquisa CNPQ, modalidade DTI-A, para atuar na área de microfluídica.


    Os candidatos deverão encaminhar e-mail para lmi@ipt.br, até 15/04, com os seguintes documentos:

    • Súmula curricular (máximo 2 páginas);

    • Currículo atualizado na plataforma Lattes do CNPq.  




    ICeM News letter - No. 56

    Source: Prof. Oscar M. H. Rodriguez (EESC-USP)



    We would like to inform that ICeM Newsletter No. 56 (March, 2022) is now available.


    Click here to access the Newsletter.

    ICeM is a free information center supported by the Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow. We welcome your submission of a report and information on international meetings for the next ICeM newsletter which will be published in September, 2022.