Celso Pupo Pesce (Chair) EPUSP
Agamenon Rodrigues Eufrasio de Oliveira (Co-Chair) UFRJ
Committee Institution
Fábio Saltara EPUSP
Henrique Cunha UFC
Shozo Motoyama CHC-USP
Oscar Brito Augusto EPUSP
Alberto Hernandez Neto EPUSP

Engineering and Society constitutes the thematic motivation of this edition. A special symposium was organized to serve as a forum for interdisciplinary discussion. Distinguished representatives, from humanities to applied sciences, were invited to participate, aiming at bringing to light major aspects involving the relevance of Engineering on our Society. Papers address the following topics: Education, Environment, History of Sciences and Technology, Sociology, Ethics and Citizenship, Health, Sociology, Psychology, Law, Social Sciences, etc.

• [ES 01] Engineering and Society I
• [ES 02] Engineering and Society II
• [ES 03] Engineering Education I
• [ES 04] Engineering Education II
• [ES 05] Environmental Engineering I
• [ES 06] Environmental Engineering II
• [ES 07] Social Aspects and Work
• [ES 08] Ethics, Society and Hystory of Sciences and Technology

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