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CREEM 2024 - XXX Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica
Definição de Caos, um importante conceito para a turbulência
Submission Author:
Vitor Pereira , MG , Brazil
Vitor Pereira, Aristeu Silveira Neto
Presenter: Vitor Pereira
Turbulence can be understood as a chaotic phenomenon, given its unpredictability, where subtle parameter variations can lead to significant differences compared to initial parameters. Therefore, understanding chaotic systems is important for a better comprehension of the phenomenon. To achieve this, a set of equations was taken and solved using different numerical calculation methods of the same order. Comparisons were made for resolutions with slight variations in initial parameters to verify chaos. To assess method convergences, comparisons were made among them and also in relation to a continuous solution for a non-chaotic function, whose continuous result was known. The L2 norm was calculated, obtaining results for these comparisons.
Turbulence, chaos, unpredictability, Lorenz