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CREEM 2022 - XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica


Submission Author: Gabriella Cosme , RJ
Co-Authors: Gabriella Cosme, Beatriz Resende , Thalles Pimentel, Marcus Santos, Norberto Mangiavacchi, Daniel Chalhub, Rodrigo Cardoso
Presenter: Gabriella Cosme




The project Precious Plastic, implemented in the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), was initially formed under the orientation of professors Daniel Chalhub and Norberto Mangiavacchi, and it was constructed as a practical and economical alternative to reduce the environmental impact that the incorrect dispose of plastic has caused to the world. The project aims at developing a self sustainable laboratory that eventually will help with waste and promote the proper reuse of plastic, encouraging the production of new objects with it. This initiative has been developed in the Group for Studies and Environmental Simulations in Reservoirs (GESAR), which belongs to the Mechanical Engineering Department of UERJ, and it counts with graduate and undergraduate students, internal and external collaborations, following the purpose of boosting knowledge related to the studied plastics and nurture the premise of reuse. Currently, the project has the most important mechanical machines constructed: the shredder, extrusion machine, injector molding and the compressor. Furthermore, to make the project self-sustainable, connections with other organizations are being made, between them: Plastic Bank Brasil, Recyclers Association of the State of Rio de Janeiro, IDEAL Cooperative and the BioFabric of Sea Corals from Pernambuco.


sustainability, Thermoplastic, Recycling, Reprocessing, Transformation




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