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CREEM 2022 - XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica
Guia de locomoção para deficientes visuais
Submission Author:
Pedro Otávio Silva , RS
Pedro Otávio Silva, Patrick Habowski, Sabiana Gilsane Mühlen dos Santos
Presenter: Pedro Otávio Silva
Abstract. This article is primarily aimed at social inclusion. One of the very important issues in our society and much discussed, which is, in fact, treating everyone with equality, regardless of the carrier disability. Seeking to include the visually impaired and show that it is possible to insert them in all spaces of society. , making them independent and thus being able to dispense with humanitarian aid. With all these benefits, it still has practicality, starting with its easy installation and can be applied in small and large paths adapting to the environment designed for use. Practicality is also present in operating the locomotion guide, being basically, taking the guide and getting around with total safety. , of great importance for the visually impaired, their locomotion in urban spaces.
Mobilidade urbana, Guia de locomoção, inclusão social, Acessibilidade, Adaptação