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CREEM 2022 - XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica
Desenvolvimento de um equipamento para união entre espiga e lâmina de facas por soldagem capacitiva
Submission Author:
Bruno Costa , RS
Bruno Costa, Vinicius Bertoldo , Cristiano Scheuer, Wilerson Chuma, Jonas Tibola
Presenter: Bruno Costa
Cutlery is a productive segment that has experienced a rapid growth over the last few years. The great demand for the knives production has stimulated the development of equipment exclusively developed for use in this activity. In this sense, this paper discusses the development of an equipment dedicated to produced the union among the tang and blade of the knives, using the capacitive welding process. To guide the activities for the referred product development, the Pahl & Beitz methodology was employed. The developed equipment concept consists of a structure assembled from steel profiles and plates, designed to accommodate the subsystems that perform the functions related to the execution of capacitive welding. These subsystems were properly configured to allow the implementation of the functions that made possible to carry out the joining operation between the tang and blade. The designed equipment is simple operation, which consists of positioning and fixing the tang and blade in the bench vise, moving the bench vise and applying the electrical charge (which is carried out by means of an activation button). The designed equipment meets the customer's needs, and will be built and validated by the customer.
Cuterly, Product Development, Capacitive Welding