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CREEM 2022 - XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica


Submission Author: Mateus Garcia Lopes , SP
Co-Authors: Mateus Garcia Lopes, Sabrina Martinez, Rafael Gomes, Fernando Cabalin Scarpin, João de Sá Brasil Lima, Bruno Chieregatti
Presenter: Mateus Garcia Lopes




According to the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC), heart diseases represent the main cause of death in Brazil, being responsible for more than 30% of all death records. One of the main diseases is related with valve malfunction. The main causes of the problem are birth defects, previous medical history including rheumatic fever, infection of the inner lining of the heart, cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, and advanced age. If the diagnosis for the patient is the replacement of the valve, there are two main types of prosthesis: a bovine pericardium valve and the mechanical valve, focus of this paper. This work focuses on studying the behavior of the blood flow through mechanical heart valves, which are highly complex flows due to the rheology of blood and its non-Newtonian character and whose behavior may lead to undesirable situations of biological nature such as hemolysis, thrombosis, and emboli. Being able to monitor the pressure gradient through the cycles of opening and closing of the mechanical valve, shear stress rates and circulation zones that are directly related to intercurrences are the main goals of this work. Finally, a comparison was carried out with results from a real case to prove the consistence of the numerical analysis.


Valve Prosthesis, Mechanical Heart Valve, Blood flow modelling, Computer Fluid Dynamics, Non-Newtonian fluid




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