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CREEM 2022 - XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica
Combinando procedimentos na heurística NEH para o problema flow shop com tempos de setup independentes da sequência
Submission Author:
Clarissa Laurentys , SP
Clarissa Laurentys
Presenter: Clarissa Laurentys
This article presents the development and evaluation of solution methods for the flow shop problem with setup times independent of the production sequence. The performance criterion adopted was the maximum of job completion time, also called makespan. The NEH heuristic was analyzed and, to reduce the computational complexity, the Taillard Acceleration method was adapted, considering the setup times independent of the sequence. In total, computational experiments were performed for 48 methods resulting from the combination of 12 priority rules used in the first step of the NEH with four tie-breaking strategies for the fourth step. The performance of these heuristics was evaluated according to their average relative percentage deviation (ARPD) and average relative percentage computational time (ARPT) values. The experimental results show that the use of different tie-breaking strategies has significant impacts on the solutions obtained, and the FF and RTC strategies presented the best ARPD values, but the FF stood out for having lower CPU time. On the other hand, the priority rules had low impacts on the results that vary according to the tiebreaking strategy used.
flow shop, independent setup time, scheduling, makespan