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CREEM 2022 - XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica

A influência de diferentes geometrias em ferramentas de corte no acabamento superficial gerado em peças fresadas

Submission Author: Alexandre Maier Eurich , PR
Co-Authors: Alexandre Maier Eurich, Aldo Braghini Junior
Presenter: Alexandre Maier Eurich




The surface finish on machined parts is influenced by the characteristics of the chip formation mechanism which, in turn, are directly linked to the geometries of the cutting tools. More positive tools, or with larger angles, tend to facilitate chip removal, reducing efforts, temperatures and vibrations. However, the exaggerated increase of these angles is able to lead to a fragility of the cutting edge of the tool, making it more susceptible to mechanical shocks and presenting greater difficulty in heat dissipation. In view of these aspects, the present research aims to evaluate the influence of two cutting tools of similar classes (both P40), but with different geometries, in obtaining the surface finish throughout their respective lives. The face milling tests were performed on ABNT 1045 steel blocks using a universal milling machine. The surfaces of the samples machined generated during the milling tests were inspected by optical profilometry. The tool characterized with a larger rake angle and a more fragile edge was more susceptible to wear and presented more alternated roughness values when compared to those obtained by milling with the tool with a smaller rake angle.


machining, Geometry of cutting tools, Surface finish, Roughness, Machined surface




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