Letter from the Board of Directors
Every Brazilian professional in mechanical sciences and engineering should be proud of the 35th anniversary of ABCM, the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. Among the numerous contributions of its members to the advancement of knowledge and human resources formation, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, we may give emphasis to the high quality of ABCM's scientific events, as widely recognized by the scientific community.
It is notorious the intense research activities in thermal sciences in our country, which led to the series of Brazilian Congresses of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, ENCIT, which are organized biennially since 1986.
The pleasant city of Uberlândia, MG, will host ENCIT in its 13th edition. We congratulate our colleagues of the Federal University of Uberlândia, UFU, under the joint coordination of Prof. Ênio Bandarra (UFU) and Prof. Su Jian of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, for dedicating their time, talent and best efforts in assembling such a relevant scientific event under the main theme New Challenges in Thermal Sciences. Besides the organizers we must acknowledge also a large number of other professionals involved, i.e. authors, reviewers, ABCM's technical committees members, symposia organizers, etc.
We suggest the participants to interact with each other as much as possible, enjoy all technical and social activities, participate in the technical committees meetings, and make this important event a remarkable one. We would like to invite the ENCIT participants to join ABCM, for those who are not members already, and also to bring other colleagues and students to benefit from the many activities that are promoted by ABCM.
ABCM Board of Directors
Biennium 2010-2011 |