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Torne-se um membros ABCM

Veja algumas vantagens em se manter como nosso Associado:

Acesso regular ao JBSMSE
Boletim de notícias ABCM
Acesso livre aos Anais de Eventos
Possibilidade de concorrer às Bolsas de Iniciação Científica da ABCM.
Descontos nos eventos promovidos pela ABCM e pelas entidades com as quais mmantém acordo de cooperação.
Estudantes de gradução serão isentos no primeiro ano de afiliação.
10% de desconto para o Associado que pagar anuidade anntes de completar os 12 meses da última anuidade paga.
Desconto na compra dos livros da ABCM, entre eles: "Engenharia de Dutos" e "Escoamento Multifásico".

Tem uma conta?


  • MECSOL 2024: Special Issues and Best Student Paper Award

    Special Issues and Best Paper Award 

    MECSOL participants will have the opportunity to enjoy several benefits, as described below:

    Springer's ABCM Series - MECSOL 2024: They can submit their revised papers (10-15 pages) for consideration to the book "Springer's ABCM Series - MECSOL 2024" at no extra charge.


    Special Issue of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (LAJSS): Authors will also be able to submit full papers to the MECSOL 2024's special issue of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (LAJSS).

    Please contact the organizing committee if you need assistance with the submission process in both cases.

    Best Posgraduate Student Paper Award

    During the paper presentation sections, the event's organizing team will carry out an evaluation to determine the best paper authored by posgraduate students. The result will be announced at the closing ceremony on October 23, 2024. 

    Eligible candidates: Postgraduate (master's or doctorate) matriculated students or those whose defense took place before 22/10/2023 that are the first author of the submitted paper.

    Application process: send an e-mail to paulo.tarso@ufsc.br with the following information:


    Title and number of the work;

    Certificate of enrolment in a postgraduate program or certificate of corresponding defense before October 23, 2024.

    Use e-mail SUBJECT: MECSOL 2024 - Best PG, Award

    Registration deadline: deadline for submission of the final paper.

    Click here to access the official statement.