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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM - Nº 11/2018

    Semana de 5 a 12 de maio de 2018.


    SIRM 2019 – 13th International Conference on Dynamics of Rotating Machines
    13th – 15th February 2019- Copenhagen, Denmark
    Fonte: Profa Katia Lucchesi Cavalca Dedini (UNICAMP)


    The aim of the conference SIRM 2019 is to stimulate fruitful discussions between machine manufacturers, machine operators as well as scientific representatives in the field of rotor dynamics. Latest trends in theoretical research, development, design, manufacturing, monitoring and machine maintenance shall be discussed throughly during the two-days conference.

    Important Dates: 
    15/06/2018 - Submission of abstracts
    01/10/2018 - Submission of full papear (draft version) 
    01/12/2018 - Submission of full paper (final version).

    More information: http://www.conferencemanager.dk/sirm2019/important-dates.html

    IFToMM 2019 – 15th IFToMMWorl Congress 
    June 30 – July 4, 2019 –Krakow –Poland
    Fonte: Profa Katia Lucchesi Cavalca Dedini (UNICAMP)


    IFToMM was founded in 1969 and today is active as a third generation of IFToMMists, who can be named as those working within the IFToMM community. Knowing the History of IFToMM and how we arrived at today’s modus operandi can give a greater awareness of community identity and significance.

    IFToMM was founded as the International Federation for the Theory of Mechanisms and Machines in Zakopane, Poland on September 29, 1969 during the Second World Congress on TMM (Theory of Mechanisms and Machines). The main promoters of the IFToMM World Federation were Academician Ivan I. Artobolevski (USSR) and Prof. Erskine F.R. Crossley (USA), whose principal aim was to bypass the obstacles of the time of the Cold War in developing international collaboration in TMM science for the benefit of the world society. IFToMM started as a family of TMM scientists among whom we may identify the IFToMM founding fathers, who signed or contributed to the foundation act with the initial 13 Member Organizations, in the persons: Academician Ivan I. Artobolevski (USSR), Prof. Erskine F.R. Crossley (USA), Prof. Michael S. Konstantinov (Bulgaria), Dr. Werner Thomas (GFR), Prof. B.M. Belgaumkar (India), Prof. Kenneth H. Hunt (Australia), Prof. J. Oderfeld (Poland), Prof. Jack Phillips (Australia), Prof. George Rusanov (Bulgaria), Prof. Wolfgang Rössner (GDR), Prof. Zènò Terplàn (Hungary), Prof. Jammi S. Rao (India), Prof. Giovanni Bianchi (Italy), Prof. Adam Morecki (Poland), Nicolae I. Manolescu (Rumania), Leonard Maunder (UK), Douglas Muster (USA), Ilic Branisky (Yugoslavia).

    The foundation of IFToMM was the result of an intense activity for stimulating and promoting international collaboration, more than had been done previously, and the process started in the late 1950s’, as documented by several letters that are stored in the IFToMM Archive.

    A first World Congress was held in 1965 in Varna, Bulgaria during which the foundation of IFToMM was planned as later it was agreed during the Second World Congress on TMM in Zakopane, Poland. The Congress series was immediately recognized as the IFToMM World Congress and today in 2007 we are celebrating the 12th event with a participation of 48 Member Organizations.

    The IFToMM community has grown continually over time and the TMM has evolved to encompass large engineering science, including even new disciplines. This led in the year 2000 to an update of the name of the IFToMM Federation as IFToMM International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science and a change of the name of TMM to MMS (Mechanism and Machine Science), in order to emphasize the modernity and broader mission of the IFToMM community.

    IFToMM activity has grown in many aspects, as for example concerning the number of member organizations (from the 13 founder members to the current 48 members), the size and scale of conference events (with many other conferences, even on specific topics, at national and international levels, in addition to the MMS World Congress), and the number and focus of technical committees working on specific discipline areas of MMS (currently 13, with 2 more just established).

    The IFToMM community evolved in character from that of a family of a few beginners and founders into a scientific worldwide community through the following generations:

    1950’s –’79 First generation: founding fathers and their friendly colleagues up to the 4-th IFToMM World Congress in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1975 with Prof Maunder as Congress Chair
    1980-95 Second Generation: students and people educated by founding fathers and their friendly colleagues; up to the 9-th World Congress in Milan in 1995 with Prof Rovetta as Congress Chair
    1996-today Third Generation: educated people in the frame of IFToMM and within IFToMM activity with 48 organizations as IFToMM members.
    IFToMM officers (who are the Chairs of IFToMM Member Organizations, the Chairs of Permanent Commissions and Technical Committees, and the members of the Executive Council) have contributed and still contribute as leaders to the mission of IFToMM, which is stated in the 1-st article of the Constitution as ‘The mission of IFToMM is the promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science’. A complete list of IFToMM officers over time is available in the Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms HMM2004 that has been published by Kluwer.

    In particular, Presidents and Secretaries General have had significant roles in guiding the growth and success of IFToMM. Their personalities are also representative of the IFToMM community in terms of reputation and visibility worldwide. The Presidents were Ivan I. Artobolevskii (USSR), Leonard Maunder (United Kingdom), Bernard Roth (USA), Giovanni Bianchi (Italy), Adam Morecki (Poland), Jorge Angeles (Canada), Kenneth J. Waldron (USA). The Secretaries General were M.S. Konstantinov (Bulgaria), Emil Stanchev (Bulgaria), Adam Morecki (Poland), Adam Morecki (Poland), Elizabeth Filemon (Hungary), L. Pust (CSSR), Tatu Leinonen (Finland).
    More Information: http://iftomm2019.com/


    Processo Seletivo para Cursos de Mestrados e Doutorado do Programa de Pós- Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica – UNESP
    Inscrições até dia 17 de maio de 2018.
    Fonte: Prof. Samuel da Silva - UNESP/Ilha Solteira


    A Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira (Unesp) torna público que, no período de 19/04/2018 a 17/05/2018, estarão abertas as inscrições para o Processo Seletivo de candidatos a aluno regular, nos cursos de Mestrado e de Doutorado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, para ingresso no 2º semestre de 2018:

    1. Período de inscrição: de 19/04/2018 a 17/05/2018
    2. Prova escrita, obrigatória e de caráter classificatório: 15/06/2018
    3. Entrevista presencial com todos os candidatos: 15/06/2018
    4. Divulgação do resultado final: 29/06/2018

    Maiores informações:

    Concurso Público para Professor Assistente Doutor – Curso de Engenharia Aeronáutica. 

    Inscrições até 22 de maio de 2018.


    Estarão abertas, no período de 23 de abril a 22 de maio de 2018 as inscrições para os concursos público para Professor Assistente Doutor nos conjuntos de disciplinas abaixo especificados:

    Função: Professor Assistente Doutor
    Câmpus: São João da Boa Vista
    Curso: Engenharia Aeronáutica
    Quantidade de vagas: 01 (uma)
    Conjunto de Disciplinas: "Mecânica dos Fluidos", "Aerodinâmica I" e "Aerodinâmica II"
    Titulação: Doutorado
    Regime de Trabalho: Regime de Dedicação Integral à Docência e à Pesquisa - RDIDP
    Regime Jurídico: CLT
    Data de início das inscrições: 23/04/2018
    Data de término das inscrições: 22/05/2018
    Nº do Edital: 07/2018-DA/PROPEG
    Publicação no DOE: 20/04/2018 - Seção I - Páginas 193-194
    Link para o edital: Edital 07

    Função: Professor Assistente Doutor
    Câmpus: São João da Boa Vista
    Curso: Engenharia Aeronáutica
    Quantidade de vagas: 01 (uma)
    Conjunto de Disciplinas: "Estruturas Aeronáuticas I", "Estruturas Aeronáuticas II" e "Projetos de Estruturas Aeronáuticas"
    Titulação: Doutorado
    Regime de Trabalho: Regime de Dedicação Integral à Docência e à Pesquisa - RDIDP
    Regime Jurídico: CLT
    Data de início das inscrições: 23/04/2018
    Data de término das inscrições: 22/05/2018
    Nº do Edital: 08/2018-DA/PROPEG
    Publicação no DOE: 20/04/2018 - Seção I - Páginas 191-192
    Link para o edital: Edital 08

    Função: Professor Assistente Doutor
    Câmpus: São João da Boa Vista
    Curso: Engenharia Aeronáutica
    Quantidade de vagas: 01 (uma)
    Conjunto de Disciplinas: "Materiais de Construção Aeronáutica", "Processos de Fabricação Mecânica" e "Metrologia"
    Titulação: Doutorado
    Regime de Trabalho: Regime de Dedicação Integral à Docência e à Pesquisa - RDIDP
    Regime Jurídico: CLT
    Data de início das inscrições: 23/04/2018
    Data de término das inscrições: 22/05/2018
    Nº do Edital: 08/2018-DA/PROPEG
    Publicação no DOE: 20/04/2018 - Seção I - Páginas 192-193
    Link para o edital: Edital 09

    As inscrições serão recebidas nos períodos acima especificados, em dias úteis, das 9:00 às 12:00 e das 14:00 às 17:00 na  UNESP – Câmpus  de  São  João  da  Boa  Vista,  Av. Profª  Isette  Corrêa  Fontão,  nº  505, Jardim das Flores, São João da Boa Vista, SP.  No caso de inscrições via postal, os documentos devem ser enviados via SEDEX para o endereço acima e sugere-se que o código de rastreamento dos correios seja enviado para o e-mail renan.chaves@unesp.br.



    Documento da ABC aos Candidatos à Presidência do Brasil
    Fonte: Academia Brasileira de Ciências