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  • INFORMATIVO ABCM - Nº 04/2018

    Semana 23 de fevereiro a  02 de março de 2018


    17th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering (ENCIT2018)
    November 25-28, 2018 in Aguas de Lindoia, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Fonte: Comissão Organizadora do ENCIT 2018

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    On behalf of the Organizing Committee of ENCIT2018, we are pleased to invite you to submit an extended abstract to the 17th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering (ENCIT2018), which will be held in Aguas de Lindoia, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on November 25-28, 2018.
    The submission system is now open and can be accessed via the ENCIT2018 website https://eventos.abcm.org.br/encit2018/, by clicking on ABCM LOGIN. In the following page, you can login or, if you do not have a login, you may create one. There you can find the MSWord and Latex templates containing the “Instructions for Formatting the Papers of ENCIT 2018”. Additionally, you can find the templates at https://eventos.abcm.org.br/encit2018/about/templates/. All papers should be written following the instructions in the templates. Then, the papers should be sent in PDF format.
    Best papers will be invited for submission to the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering.
    We are looking forward to your submission. 
    Erick Franklin – UNICAMP
    Marcelo Ribeiro – USP
    Organizing Committee of the ENCIT2018
    Erick Franklin – UNICAMP
    Marcelo Ribeiro – USP
    William Wolf – UNICAMP
    Cristiano Tibiriçá – USP
    Marcelo Castro – UNICAMP
    Luben Cabezas – USP


    Rio Oil & Gas 2018 : Chamada de Trabalhos Técnicos 
    Prazo: até 02 de março de 2018.
    Fonte: Comissão Organizadora da Rio Oil & Gas 2018

    Envie sua sinopse estendida até o dia 02 de março e aproveite esta oportunidade de participar da Rio Oil & Gas 2018, o maior evento da indústria de petróleo e gás na América Latina.

    As cinco grandes áreas temáticas do Congresso são Exploração e Produção, Abastecimeto, Gás e Energia, Gestão da Indústria e Tecnologias Digitais.

    Envie sua sinopse: http://www.riooilgas.com.br/?_page=area-do-autor&_menu=a-conferencia

    Acesse o temário completo: http://www.riooilgas.com.br/?_page=area-do-autor&_menu=a-conferencia

    Mais Informações: http://www.riooilgas.com.br/

    ECFD 7 - 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics
    June 11-15, 2018 in Glasgow, UK
    Fonte: Prof. Adair Aguiar (USP)

    We would like to invite you to participate in the minisymposium entitled “Nonlocal Models and Methods for Material Failure and Damage Simulation ” at the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6), to be held jointly with the 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) on June 11-15, 2018 in Glasgow, UK.
    The goal of this minisymposium is to bring together a diverse group of researchers working with nonlocal formulations of continuum mechanics, such as peridynamics, nonlocal elasticity and plasticity, and strain-gradient elasticity, as well as with other related nonlocal models, to discuss advances in modeling, computational methods, and numerical simulations.
    The ECCM 6 conference will be part of the 25th Anniversary of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), and it represents one of the three main scientific events of ECCOMAS organized every four years. This minisymposium will promote collaboration between various nonlocal communities, and it will also allow further interaction between the European nonlocal community and nonlocal communities in other geographical regions. Further information regarding the ECCM 6 conference and this minisymposium is given below.

    More information about: http://www.eccm-ecfd2018.org/frontal/default.asp

    CSNDD’2018 - 4th International Conference on Structural Dynamics and Diagnosis 
    25-27 of June, 2018 - Tangier, Morocco
    Fonte: Prof. Americo Cunha Jr (UERJ)

    Mini-Symposium description 
    This mini-symposium is a forum to communicate and share new ideas, methodologies, results and current challenges in the area of nonlinear dynamics and chaotic systems. Contributions are solicited in all aspects of nonlinear dynamics.
    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: (i) nonlinear periodic systems; (ii) chaotic phenomena; (iii) nonlinear energy transfer and localization phenomena; (iv) non-smooth effects; (v) synchronization phenomena; (vi) multi-scale and multi-physics phenomena; (vii) fluid-structure interaction; (viii) analytical methods for dynamical systems; (ix) numerical methods for dynamical systems; (x) experimental techniques for dynamical systems; (xi) control and optimization of dynamical systems; (xii) uncertainty quantification methods; (xiii) applications of nonlinear dynamics.

    About CSNDD’2018 
    The CSNDD’2018 will provide a forum where scientists from different branches of applied mechanics and mathematics working in nonlinear dynamics and structural systems can meet to share ideas and findings of their research on methods and applications. The meeting is also a forum to discuss the latest achievements, to exchange experience in theoretical, numerical and experimental techniques for solving problems in structural linear and nonlinear dynamics, diagnosis and control.

    More information about CSNDD’2018 may be found at the website:

    THMT-18 - Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer
    10 a 13 de Julho de 2018 - Casa do Colégio Brasileiro de Altos Estudos(UFRJ) – RJ
    Fonte: Prof. Atila P. Silva Freire(COPPE/UFERJ)

    O ICHMT (International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer) está organizando no Rio de Janeiro
    a nona edição do "Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer". Este é um evento tradicional, que mobiliza
    uma vasta comunidade internacional dedicada à modelagem de escoamentos que envolvam altos números de Reynolds e transferência de calor.
    O evento é apoiado pela UFRJ, TUDelft e Osaka Prefecture University e será realizado no Colégio Brasileiro de Altos Estudos (UFRJ) entre os dias 10-13 de Julho de 2018.


    EngOpt 2018 – 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization
    September 17- 19, 2018 - Instituto Superior Técnico – Lisbon/Portugal
    Fonte: Helcio R. B. Orlande (UFRJ)

    Dear Member of the EngOpt 2018 International Scientific Committee,

    First of all thank you for accepting to be a member of the International Scientific Committee. 
    As you know, our next International Conference on Engineering Optimization (EngOpt 2018) will be held in Lisbon on September 17-19, 2018. As a member of the International Scientific Committee we would sincerely appreciate if you could disseminate it among your colleagues whom you think may be interested in attending the conference. We call your attention to the fact that the deadline for submitting abstracts is March 16, 2018. For the dissemination you can simply forward this message and use the attached flyer.

    For further information please contact us.  You may also visit the webpage: http://engopt2018.tecnico.ulisboa.pt.


    MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS: Design, Simulation, Testing and Manufacturing – MES 2018
    September 17 – 19 ,2018 Yerevan - Armenia
    Fonte: Prof. João Carlos Mendes Carvalho (UFU)

    Dear Colleague,

    We invite you to participate in the 1st International Conference “MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS: Design, Simulation, Testing and Manufacturing” (MES-2018), which will take place on September 17-19, 2018, in Yerevan, Armenia. The conference is organized by the National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA) in partnership with the American University of Armenia (AUA).

    The conference intends to become a forum regularly bringing together researchers from technical universities and practitioners from industrial companies in the field of mechanical engineering. With its multi-topic program and international scale, it has to establish a networking and educational platform, and to facilitate contacts and cooperation between universities, research and development centers and industrial companies from different countries. Although the conference will mainly focus on technical issues of designing, calculating, producing and using various machines and mechanical systems (such as precision, load capacity, performance, etc.), market aspects like customer benefits, economic efficiency, latest trends, etc. will also be considered. Contributions indicating existing or potential practical applications of known or newly developed designs, technologies and equipment, as well as theories, methods, algorithms and software, are particularly welcome.

    Further details about the conference can be found at: 
    Conference Web: http://mes2018.aua.am/
    Contact: mes2018@aua.am