The International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics - DINAME is a bi-annual meeting sponsored by the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - ABCM and organized by its Committee of Dynamics-CDIN. The Symposium primary goal is to provide a congenial scientific environment for academic and non-academic researchers so that important topics of the broad area of Dynamics can be discussed. These topics include but are not restricted to: Vibrations, Acoustics, Multi-Body and Vehicle Dynamics, Non-linear Dynamics, Robotics, Rotordynamics, Mechatronics. Traditionally, DINAME congregates participants from Brazil as well as from countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia. For this reason, since its first edition in 1986, the Symposium has become and important forum for communication of scientific achievements, as well as discussion of future research trends in the field of Dynamics.
The XII DINAME has been organized by a local committee from the School of Engineering of São Carlos from the University of São Paulo (EESC-USP). The meeting was held at the Ilha Flat Hotel in Ilhabela, SP, Brazil, from February 26th to March 2nd, 2007. A total of 89 full papers and 7 invited lectures composed the event’s scientific program, comprising 230 authors from 19 different countries and 74 institutions.
All accepted papers and invited lectures were presented in a single session during the five days of the Symposium. Internationally renowned experts in different areas of Dynamics were invited as keynote speakers to enhance the scientific contribution of the meeting. Regular papers were carefully reviewed by a competent review team, in order to assure quality and clarity of content. The Symposium’s proceedings consist of a CD ROM containing all accepted papers and keynote lectures and a book of abstracts.
The financial and logistic support received from the following sponsors is greatly appreciated and acknowledged: FAPESP-Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo; CNPq-Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; CAPES-Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; Opto Eletrônica S.A.; EESC-USP.
We are grateful to ABCM for this unique opportunity to be directly involved in the organization of such important scientific event and we hope that this XII DINAME can contribute to everyone’s intellectual, as well as personal enrichment.
EESC-USP, São Carlos, SP, February of 2007
Organizing Committee