variavel0=AVANDELINO SANTANA JUNIOR - INSTITUTO DE AERONÁUTICA E ESPAÇO Daniel Soares Almeida - INSTITUTO DE AERONÁUTICA E ESPAÇO (CTA - IAE) Mário Niwa - INSTITUTO DE AERONÁUTICA E ESPAÇO (CTA - IAE) Khoze Kessaev - INSTITUTO DE AERONÁUTICA E ESPAÇO (CTA - IAE) Abstract. This paper presents a description of development phases of a cutting device prototype using the knowledge of liquid rocket engine technology, as well as the main characteristics of operation and the resuts during the "cold tests" and the "hot tests", it means without and with flame, respectively, including the test where several pieces were cut. The main aim of such a prototype was to verify the possibility to use the hot gases, generated by means of propellants burning inside a combustion chamber of a liquid rocket engine, to perform cut of materials. Keywords. cutting device, liquid propulsion, rocket engine.