variavel0=Demetrio Bastos-Netto - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais H. S. Couto - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais G. L. S. Ribeiro - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais Abstract. Rotating cup atomizers, along with other rotary atomizers, are used in industrial furnaces, as they generate droplets of a nearly uniform size and process a high capability in handling large fuel flow rates. This works compares the existing droplet size distributions available in the literature and based on Tanasawa et al. fully experimental models with an extension of a theoretical model primarily developed for fan spray atomizers which has been recently improved for impinging jets and then modified to fit the behavior of Y-jet atomizers and pressure swirls atomizers. The results were found quite satisfactory for case of reasonably viscous fluids but no so for low viscosity ones the reason possibility being that Tanasawa`s correlation does not contain the viscosity coefficient. Keywords. rotation cup and disk atomizers, sprays, droplets.