variavel0=Barbosa João Roberto - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica Manoel Fernandes Martins Nogueira - Ministério de Minas e Energia Laércio de Sequeira - FINEP - Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos Abstract. Gas turbines in Brazil are becoming a necessity as prime movers do keep pace with the rapid demand of electrical power, due to the lack of the usual sources are not enough. It is required that, at short term, the electric power generation be increased what can be done with thermal power plants using gas turbines. Several power plants are being erected. Therefore, the intense use of gas turbines demands the necessity of qualified human ressources at all levels. Colleges in this country, as a rule, do not contemplate courses on gas turbines. Just a few schools have gas turbine taught in their undergraduate courses. In addition to those courses, it is a must that the technology related to design, manufacturing, development and application of gas turbine be available in the country. Aiming at gathering the actual expertise of individuals in the University, industry and research organizations, it has been set up a gas turbine network (RTG). This work deals with the idealization, organization and sets up initial operational constraints of the network. Keywords. Gas Turbines, Electricity, Teaching Gas Turbines, Gas Turbine Network, RTG.