variavel0=MARCOS FLÁVIO PINTO MOREIRA - UFSCar - (bolsista FAPESP) JOSÉ TEIXEIRA FREIRE - UFSCar Abstract. Packed bed reactors are very utilized in chemical and food industries. The control of temperature is very important in this operations in order to avoid “hot and cold points” that may cause the formation of undesired products, the deactivation of catalyst or danification of products for instance. In order to obtain the control of temperature becomes necessary the study about the heat transfer in packed bed. In this kind of configuration, the cocurrent upflow of gas and liquid presents interesting conditions to be identified, where, for example, the thermal parameters are relatively small or where measured radial temperature profiles are flat. To study heat transfer in packed bed with cocurrent upflow of gas and liquid the authors investigate initially the influence of gas and liquid flow rates and diameter of particles in the flow regimes and the liquid saturation and then the authors investigate the influence of gas and liquid flow rates, flow regimes, liquid saturation, diameter of particles and bed length on the radial effective thermal conductivity ( kr) and wall heat transfer (hp) obtained by fitting the parameters of a two-dimensional pseudo-homogeneous model to the measured temperature profiles. Keywords. heat transfer, flow regimes, two-phase upflow.