variavel0=JOSÉ ANTÔNIO PERRELLA BALESTIERI - UNESP SERGIOo COLLE - UFSC Abstract. The energy crisis occurred in the beginning of XXI century in some countries highlights the need of amplifying the electrical generation basis by including advanced technologies, which is systematically abandoned in the cost/benefit analysis only because the employed models are not able to warranty adequate conditions for an open competition between them and the conventional established technologies. Several new technologies presently available, some of them in a more advanced development stage than others (as photovoltaics and fuel cells), are not allowed to be included in the electrical generation network because the cost models nowadays in use impose high penalties to their investment costs without considering their favorable points, as the environmental characteristics and their high efficiency. In this context, several new methodologies based on new evaluation approaches have been proposed to reduce the barriers so imposed. This article presents the major contributions to the evaluation modeling, identifies their characteristics and establishes the conditions in which they will be favorably recommended. Keywords. Logistic models, econometric models, portfolio model, energy generation, alternative sources of energy.