variavel0=CLAUDIO SADE BRODT - EMBRAER GUILHERME LARA OLIVEIRA - EMBRAER JOĆO ROBERTO BARBOSA - ITA Abstract. The nacelle design and integration with the aircraft is a key point in the overall aircraft design. The nacelle inlet must deliver the mass flow required by the engine to develop the necessary thrust at all flight envelope. Minimum variations in the inlet capture area, the inlet profile and the nozzles exit areas may have a great influence in the flow properties, compromising the engine performance. Although some theoretical and empirical methods are used nowadays to design nacelles with reasonable performance, they are not usually available in the open literature, due to its technological importance in the aerospace industry. So, the main motivation of this paper is to evaluate the proposed methodology for subsonic nacelles design and check the basic performance for specific engines. The method is divided in three steps: the hardpoints estimation, which satisfy the specific conditions required by the engine, the aerodynamic profile design, which must be smooth and suitable, and the CFD analysis to check and improve. Keywords. Aircraft, Nacelle, Design, CFD.