variavel0=A.D. BUENO - UFSC L.O.E. SANTOS - UFSC C.P. FERNANDES - UFSC P.C. PHILIPPI - UFSC Abstract. A reconstruction method is considered satisfactory if it preserves all the statistical moments of the phase function measured in a set of two-dimensional binaries images. In this manner, a three dimensional representation is considered adequate if their two-dimensional sections have, in average, the same statistical moments as the two-dimensional binaries images used to generate the three-dimensional representation. Thsi article presents results of the use of two reconstruction methods: truncated Gaussian method and superposed spheres method. The truncated Gaussian method is reviewed, innovations are implemented and their effects are evaluated. We verified that the method is suitable to generate representations with small correlation lenght e weak organization of the porous space. The superposed espheres method is new and this is the first work evaluating it. The method make possible to obtain representations with greater correlation length than the truncated Gaussian method and, also, it preserves the volume of the connected porous phase. Analyzing the representations obtained by the methods we identified the advantages and disadvantages of each one and their applications. We also present a way to select the ideal representation gotten by reconstruction methods. Practical results obtained using images of Brazilian oil reservoir rocks are shown. Keywords. reconstruction, truncated Gaussian, sphere superposed, reservoir-rocks.