variavel0=A.D. BUENO - UFSC P.C. PHILIPPI - UFSC Abstract. The prediction of intrinsic permeability of reservoir-rocks, from thin plate, are, actually, an area of intensity research, with much attarctive caracteristics, when considerated with a virtual petrophysic laboratory, with low cost, in determination of complementary properties of damaged and/or much fragmented. Aditionally, the prediction of hydraulic propoerties of porous media from, solely, the knowledge of the micro-structure and the fluid properties, are the great interest scientific research. This work presents and validate a method with low computational cost, that is, a speed method, with low memory cost and sufficientlly accurate to predict the reservoir instrinsic permeability, making possible its use as a tool in pretoleum engineering. The method is based in the construction of a serial graph which is obtained estimating the serial sections of three-dimensional representation. The method simplify the flux, ignoring the lateral resistance, reducing the number of nodes and avoiding the parallel bifurcation. The method are unique in permeability determination of reservoir-rocks with high lenght. After the description of method, simulated results are compared with experimental results from various Brazilian reservoirs rocks. Keywords. permeability, graph of serial conection, reservoir-rock.