variavel0=Milton Realino Paula - UFMG Márcio Ziviani - UFMG Abstract. A mathematical modeling of the prebaked Hall-Héroult Cell’s anode is presented. The cell presents the following Characteristics: a) current 200.000 A; b) number of anodes 24; c) anode size 1.65mX0.725m; d).Shell dimensions are: 9.52m long, 3.75m wide and 1.34m depth. The conservation of energy and electric potential equations were solved by finite difference with control-volume formulation method. Graphics output of the temperature and electric potential fields are presented. The model applicability is showed by the results discussions of five simulations, varying the thickness of alumina covering the top anode from 0.04 m to 0.12 m. The heat losses escaping through the top of the anode were calculated using the model results. The aluminium companies will can use the model for to improve routines and projects development for reduction in energy consumption and to increase current efficiency. Keywords. Mathematical modelling, Aluminium reduction cell, Hall-Héroult process.