variavel0=José Nivaldo Hinckel - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais Alexander Alexandrovich Kozlov - MAI Francisco José Vicente de Moraes - Equatorial Sistemas Ltda Humberto Pontes Cardoso - Equatorial Sistemas Ltda Abstract. This paper describes the development of a 200 newton liquid bipropellant thruster for use as apogee kick motor in geostationary bound satellites or for orbital maneuvers of space platforms. Swirl injectors are used to generate a radially stratified mixture ratio, thus creating a hot core flow in the center region and a cooler curtain flow near the chamber wall. This way, the thermal load on the chamber wall is decreased. A lower heat load on the wall allows the use of nickel steel for the construction of the chamber, instead of columbium or other high temperature alloys, which have a very high production cost and require expensive processes for machining, forming and welding. Keywords. bipropellant thruster, apogee kick motor, control thruster.