variavel0=Ricardo Alexandre Pereira Borba - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Edson Bazzo - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Marcelo Augusto Milan Silva - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Roberto Wolf Francisco Junior - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Abstract. A thermal and economical analysis is performed for a cogeneration system in a ceramic industry, in order to evaluate three different simulation methods. The analysis consists in compare the methods and study the principal differences between a method that uses the gas turbine curve performance and a real thermal and electrical load profile (method 1) with two other methods that are more used to evaluate cogeneration system viability. Method 1 requires a strong work to do a database of thermal and electrical demand. Gas turbine curve performance also are a difficult to obtain from manufacturers. The technical and economical results presented in this work show that is necessary to use the method 1 to do a real analysis for cogeneration systems. Keywords. cogeneration, gas turbines, numeric simulation, ceramic industry.