variavel0=Fábio Augusto Canté Lopes - Universidade Federal do Pará Newton Sure Soeiro - Universidade Federal do Pará Alan Rafael Menezes do Vale - Universidade Federal do Pará Keliene Maria Sousa de Jesus - Universidade Federal do Pará Thiago Antônio Reis Pinto - Universidade Federal do Pará Danilo Batista - Universidade Federal do Pará Abstract. The methods for the estimate of the potency necessary to move a certain embarkation are known, though its methodologies are related to the use of a series of empiric data, available in the form of graphs and tables, which facilitate significant mistakes to the design of the embarkations. Thus, in this work, a calculation procedure is presented for the selection of the propeller system of vessels, starting from manufacturer`s needs. A computational program is presented, having for base a friendly interface with the user, such that starting from a group of preliminary information (input) are obtained the necessary informations for definition of the geometry of embarkation`s skull and of the propeller system (output). Finally, a calculation example is presented, what demonstrates the developed software`s potentiality, attesting be this an useful tool for the vessels` design of small and medium load, which are the most used in Amazônia. Keywords. Vessel, helix design, propeller system, computational procedures.