variavel0=Fernando Simon Westphal - UFSC/LabEEE Roberto Lamberts - UFSC/LabEEE José Antônio Bellini Cunha Neto - UFSC/LMPT Abstract. This work presents a methodology for electric energy consumption in nonresidential buildings using simplified weather data. Two typical days are generated from average of maximum and minimum daily temperatures for each month. The cooling load calculation for these days is done by Transfer Function Method (TFM), presented in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals 1997. The daily electricity consumption of cooling systems is predicted from hourly cooling load in the room and equipment performance curves. The monthly consumption is generated by interpolation between the day with lowest cooling load and the peak cooling load day. The method accuracy is evaluated with computer simulation in the software VisualDOE (graphical interface for DOE-2.1E). Differences lower than 15% were detected between annual electric energy consumption predicted by method and VisualDOE. Keywords. building simulation, energy efficiency, weather data.