variavel0=PEDRO RONALDO HERCULANO DE HOLANDA - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA PARAÍBA/CCT/DEM NATANAEL VICTOR DE OLIVEIRA - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA PARAÍBA/CCT/DEM ANTONIO GILSON BARBOSA DE LIMA - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA PARAÍBA/CCT/DEM Abstract. In the current times it is important to think in economy of energy, be electric or originating of burns of fuels. To use alternative energy in a rational way is a form of saving the conventional energy produced. Another advantage of the use of the energy non conventional is the production in small scale disseminated in the agricultural areas. This work has as objective presents the construction and test of a diaphragm pump. The efficiency of the diaphragm pump is evaluated by comparison with the efficiency of a piston pump, operating in the same conditions. The power of the pump is given by a paddle wheel submitted at many levels of rotation. Results of the power in the axes of the paddle wheel and of the pump, as well as of the volumetric flow and total efficiency of the pumps are presented and analyzed. Keywords. pump, diaphragm, piston, low rotation, experimental.