variavel0=Maurício Silveira Toledo - UnB Lionel Le Penven - Ecole Centrale de Lyon Marc Buffat - Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 João Nildo de Souza Vianna - UnB Abstract. This work presents a study of a code`s adaptation for resolution of tumbling flows inside IC engines` cylinder using large-eddy simulation. The code, named NadiaLES, solves the 3-D Navier-Stokes equations, considering compressible flows, using a mix method, finite elements / finite volumes, under unstructured meshes. About the code, it has been changed to work under condition of nil velocity at walls, to process a mobile mesh scheme and has been adapted for large-eddy simulation. About simulations, at first an entirely numerical study has been carried out, considering stability parameters and mesh refinement. In addition, a physical study has been carried out, showing the influence of Reynolds Number as well as consequences of different treatment of viscosity during compression stroke. Results show, for the numerical part, that`s possible to increase the stability parameter without compromising of solution`s quality. It has been also shown that mesh refinement must be made near the walls without compromise the domain`s central part. In the physical study, lowest velocity levels have been found when initial Reynolds Number was reduced. In addition, higher velocity levels have been found when viscosity was improved due temperature variations during compression stroke. Keywords. Numerical simulation, tumble, Taylor vortex, LES.