variavel0=Raimundo N. C. Duarte - Universidade Federal da Paraíba Cesar J. Deschamps - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Cezar O.R. Negrão - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Paraná Abstract. The analysis of biological air quality is a requirement to understand, prevent, and eliminate the human diseases caused by microorganisms. This is particularly true given the present trend for people staying longer periods in conditioned environments. Transmission of respiratory diseases by emission of contaminated aerosol (via cough, sneeze, talking, etc.) is a very complex phenomenon which has not been explored from an engineering point of view. In fact, there is an almost complete absence of theories to estimate both the infection risk and the relative importance of each parameter on the transmission process. The present work proposes a mathematical model to evaluate the respiratory bioaerossol dispersion, taking in to account the transport and the interaction of the contaminated droplets with the surrounding air as well as their inhalation and deposition on the respiratory tract. The model was established to analyze the tuberculosis infection risk having the Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the microbiological agent. However, it can be extended to other respiratory diseases caused by different microorganisms. The conservation equations derived for the model can be solved computationally adopting traditional techniques such as the finite volume methodology. Keywords. Biological air quality, Infectious disease, Tuberculosis, Aerial transmission, CFD modeling.