variavel0=João Luiz F. Azevedo - Centro Técnico Aeroespacial
Leonardo Costa Scalabrin - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
Abstract. This paper will discuss the results obtained using a finite volume code with three dimensional unstructured grids to simulate inviscid and viscous flows. A fully explicit, 2nd-order accurate, 5-stage, Runge-Kutta time stepping scheme was used to perform the time march of the flow equations. Two different forms for flux calculation on the volume faces were implemented. The first one is a centered scheme which requires the addition of artificial dissipation terms. The other form for flux calculation is based on the flux vector splitting technique. The 1st-order Van Leer scheme was implemented. The boundary conditions are set using Riemann invariants. The implementation uses a cell centered, face-based data structure. The paper will present the first simulation results obtained for the Brazilian Satellite Launcher (VLS). The simulations were performed for supersonic and transonic inviscid flows and for supersonic viscous flows over the vehicle at zero angle-of-attack.
Keywords. Aerodynamics, Numerical Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Finite Volume Technique, Launch Vehicles.