variavel0=Silvio, Júnior Oliveira - Escola Politécnica da USP Celso Yukio Nakashima - Escola Politécnica da USP Elisio F. Caetano - PETROBRÁS Abstract. This paper presents a methodology for an exergetic comparison between two artificial lift systems: a gas lift and a twinscrew multiphase pump system, and a standalone offshore platform. A software (Hysys.Process v2.1) was used to simulate an offshore platform with the artificial lift methods and calculate all properties (including exergy) of the material and energy streams. The twin-screw multiphase pump behavior was simulated with a thermodynamic model developed recently. The operational conditions of the PETROBRAS 7-MRL-72D-RJS well operating with cited systems were predicted by an internal study conducted in PETROBRAS . The comparisons cover the range of 2000 to 2020, the same range adopted in the study. Results show that in general the production costs are lower when the multiphase pump is used. The main advantages of this method over the gas lift is the absence of material (gas) recycle and a better energy management. Keywords. multiphase pump, twin screw pump, gas lift, exergetic comparison, exergy.