variavel0=Walber Ferreira Braga - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Marcia Barbosa Henriques Mantelli - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Abstract. Transient heat conduction in a solid undergoing ablation represents an area of great technological importance. Problems of this type are inherently nonlinear and involve a moving boundary that is not known a priori. Due to these factors, the exact analytical solution for transient heat transfer in a solid accompanied by ablation is very difficult and practically nonexistent. Only numerical and approximate analytical solutions have been made available and necessarily require considerable numerical computation, even if a simplified model of the problem is used in the study. This work brings, as contribution, the analytical approached solution for the one-dimensional transient heat conduction equation during the ablation process of a constant thermophysics properties material submitted a constant heat flux. For this, the Integral Method is used, with a parabolic temperature profile, considerating the two penetration fronts: the heat and ablation ones. The result is compared with the numerical results presented by Blackwell. Keywords. ablation, integral method, analytical solution, transient heat conduction.