variavel0=Francisco de Sousa Júnior - UNIFEI Rogério José da Silva - UNIFEI Abstract. One of the existent alternatives for the electric power generation in schedule of pick demand is that corresponding to the use of gas turbines endowed with a underground reservoir air system. In this work, it takes place a termoeconomic analysis based on the theory developed by Valero et al. (1986, 1987,1993) of a CAES plant (Compressed Air Energy Storage) through the simulation with data of a Brazilian Electric Power. That theory allows to evaluate the costs of each stage of the process of the installation that contributes to the formation of the final cost of the electric power generated. It was ended that, besides identifying the processes or subsystem of the plant where there is a larger generation of costs, larger generation losses, it was also verified that, known the detailed monetary costs involved in each stage of the plant, it can be obtained with larger precision the final generated electric unitary power cost, and like this, to compare it with the values practiced by the market, verifying or not its economical feasibility. Keywords. CAES Plant, Termoeconomic Analysis, Exergy, Exergoeconomic costs, Economical feasibility.