variavel0=Carlos Alberto Rocha Pimentel - UNIVAP Heidi Korzenowski - UNIVAP Abstract. The present work performs na inviscid hypersonic flow simulations over a re-entry body. A small ballistic vehicle SARA configuration is numerically investigated by using the Euler equations. The governing equations are discretized in conservative form in a cell centered, finite volume procedure for unstructured triangular grids. Spatial discretization considers a second-over van Leer scheme. A MUSCL reconstrution of primitive variables is used in order to determine left and right states at interface. Na adpatative mesh refinement was used in order to conduct the ideal gas numerical simulation. Time march uses, na explicit 2nd-order accurate, 5-stage Runge-Kutta time stepping scheme. 79% of Nitrogen and 21% of Oxygen composes the gas. The Gardiner chemical kinetics considers 5 species (N2, O2, O, N, NO), with their combination and dissociation reactions. Mach number and pressure contours will be presented. Ideal, inert and real gas will be considered. The simulations are performed considering freestream Mach number 7. Keywords. reactive flow, hypersonic flow, blunt body.