variavel0=José Eduardo S. Oliveira - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia José Antônio Tumialán - Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Oscar Saul Hernandez - Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Abstract. This work presents a semi-empirical model for transient simulation of hermetic reciprocating compressors. The real process of compression is decomposed in fictitious processes that are modeled individually based in equations of classic Thermo-dynamics. A fictitious isothermal wall concentrates all the compressor inertia thermal effects; fictitious wall is also responsible for all heat transfers that occur on compressor. The compression process is described through linear parametric equations, to simulate the transient behavior of compressor it is used a lumped model of a fictitious wall with only one first-order differential equation. This paper presents the parameter identification procedure for a variable-speed hermetic compressor. A small-scale vapor compression system operating with four different compressor speed rotations was used as a test bench. The experimental testing apparatus was instrumented with temperature and pressure sensors in the interest points allowing to determine the refrigerant flow rate through energy balances in the heat exchangers. The electric power consumed by the compressor was measured with a wattmeter. Preliminary simulation results are presented and compared with experimental data. Keywords. Dynamic Modelling, Compressors, Refrigeration.