variavel0=Célio Maschio - Unicamp Eliana Luci Ligero - Unicamp Denis José Schiozer - Unicamp Abstract. Petroleum numerical reservoir simulation is a difficult task due to the quantity of parameters involved. Even considering small reservoir, depending on the required precision of results, the grid can easily have a number of blocks superior to one million. This generally implies in computational limitations and a prohibitive simulation time. The objective of this paper is to compare the streamline reservoir simulation and the traditional technique. The streamline simulation method is based on the solution of a threedimensional problem by decoupling it into a series of one-dimensional problems, each one solved along a streamline, calculated through the pressure field. The streamline simulation has been presented great advances and, even with some limitations, can be very useful in several applications. To compare the two simulation techniques, reservoir discretized in fine grid are initially considered. Additionally, the petrophysical properties defined into the fine grid are submitted to upscaling techniques to obtain coarse grids that are also used in the comparative study. The CPU time and the precision oh the results are the main aspects evaluated. Keywords. Numerical reservoir simulation, Streamline simulation, Upscaling.