variavel0=Fernando Luís Pacheco Resende - UNICAMP Caio Glauco Sánchez - FEM/UNICAMP Elisabete Maria Saraiva Sanchez - PUCCAMP - IQM/UNICAMP Abstract. A methodology is presented to relate the kinetic parameters of Arrhenius Equation at biomass thermal degradation obtained in two experimental techniques: Fluidized Bed and Thermal Gravimetric Analisys (TGA). The proposed methodology is based in Multivariated Analisys (Quimiometrics) and also allows to evaluate the variable that cause differences in the results obtained by the two techniques. TGA and Fluidized Bed experimental data for rice husk were used to the methodology aplication. Keywords. BIOMASSA PYROLYSIS, KINETIC DATA, FLUIDIZED BED, THERMALGRAVIMETRIC.