ENCIT 2000

ENCIT - Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences is an international conference held in even years by the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and is in its eight edition.  The main objective of the conference is to bring together professionals from industry, universities, and research laboratories to present and discuss, through technical presentations, keynote lectures, exposition and informal conversation,  the latest research results,  and to review the state of the art related to applied and fundamental aspects of Thermal Sciences and Thermal Engineering and related areas.

The Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the School of Engineering of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul had the privilege to organize the ENCIT 2000 in Porto Alegre, October 3-6, 2000.  All the congress  activities were held at the FIERGS Convention Center.  The event was sponsored by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, by the Brazilian Oil Agency - ANP, by CAPES, and by the  Rio Grande do Sul State Foundation for Research Support - FAPERGS.

The Organizing Committee divided the event in 36 technical sessions, each one in a specific research area in thermal sciences.  We invited 72 professionals  from research institutions all over Brazil, based on their research activity in a specific research area, to coordinate the effort to review the papers submitted.  Each Session Chair received about 10 papers and sent two copies of each for review.  The decision about acceptance of manuscripts was made solely by the Session Chairs, based on the reviews they received.

We have to acknowledge the work performed by the Session Chairs and their reviewers.  We received 675 abstracts, and 374 full manuscripts were submitted for review.  From the manuscripts sent for review, 340 were accepted for presentation and 334 were sent in final form for publication at the proceedings.

As it is usual for ENCIT, the presentation of the manuscript was stand up.  The event included keynote lectures in different research areas and short courses.  The keynote speakers were invited by the Organizing Committee with the purpose to address research topics of interest today.

To select the short courses offered, we solicited proposals from the Brazilian community of thermal sciences.  We received 12 proposals in different topics, from which, due to time and space restrictions, 5 short courses were selected.  We believe this selection procedure was very successful.

Almost all the communications for the congress were done through electronic mail, in order to reduce costs and avoid delays in the process.  Papers were sent to the Session Chairs through traditional mail, to avoid problems in the network when sending large files.  We believe the review process will be completely electronic in the near future.  Only the first announcement was printed and sent by traditional mail.

At last, we wish the ENCIT 2000 will be remembered as a get together of our thermal science community.  New theories, models, simulations, experimental techniques, etc., were discussed during the four days of the event and new collaborations and friendships were fostered.  We believe that the outcome of these interactions will have an impact on the work of the professionals present at the event.

Porto Alegre, October 2000

Organizing and Editorial Committee of ENCIT 2000

Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences
Av. Rio Branco, 124 18º Andar 20040-001
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Tel.: +55 21 221-0438 Fax: +55 21 509-7128
E-mail: abcm@domain.com.br

Technical Sessions:

Session 1 - Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics
Session 2 - Biomedical Engineering
Session 3 - Boiling, Condensation, and Multiphase Flows
Session 4 - Cogeneration
Session 5 - Combustion
Session 6 - Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
Session 7 - Drying and Food Science
Session 8 - Environmental Engineering
Session 9 - Equipment , Process, and Energy Systems
Session 10 - Finite Volume Method
Session 11 - Finite Element Method
Session 12 - Heat and Mass Diffusion and Analytical Methods
Session 13 - Heat and Mass Transfer
Session 14 - Heat Pipes
Session 15 - Heat Pumps and Refrigeration
Session 16 - Instrumentation and Experimental Techniques
Session 17 - Internal Combustion Engines
Session 18 - Materials Processing
Session 19 - Metrology in Thermal Sciences
Session 20 - Natural Gas
Session 21 - Particulate Systems
Session 22 - Petroleum Engineering
Session 23 - Porous Media
Session 24 - Propulsion
Session 25 - Rheology and Fluid Properties
Session 26 - Solar Energy
Session 27 - Solidification and Melting
Session 28 - Thermal Behavior of Buildings
Session 29 - Thermal Radiation
Session 30 - Thermal Sciences Education
Session 31 - Thermodynamics
Session 32 - Thermohydraulic of Nuclear Reactors
Session 33 - Tribology
Session 34 - Turbomachinery
Session 35 - Turbulence
Session 36 - Unit Operations
